Possible places to find materials

Material Where Could It Be Found
Air Everywhere. Hang QR code from a ceiling in a classroom or hall.
Aluminium Foil, take away containers, aluminium window frames.
Brass Handles and locks on doors-typically to the outside. Brass musical instruments. Some outside water taps.
Brick Outside walls.
Bronze Statuettes. Medals from sports day. £1 coins!
Cement Put in a jar in a classroom.
Ceramic Bathroom tiles in toilets or in kitchen. Pottery flowerpots.
Chrome Taps.
Concrete Playground, buildings, concrete blocks.
Copper On water pipework. Could bring in a sample into the classroom.
Glass Windows, drinking glasses, ornaments.
Gold Cups in the trophy cabinet, images of jewellery.
Iron Railings, bottle of nails.
Leather Belts or old shoes.
Mortar Between bricks or blocks, cement rendering.
Paint Painted walls or wood.
Perspex Safety ‘glass’ in photo or picture frames. Science safety glasses. Possibly in school greenhouse.
Plastic Plastic toys, plastic chairs, plastic table tops. Plastic drinking beakers.
Polystyrene Packaging, polystyrene cups, ceiling tiles.
PVC uPVC windows or doors.
Rubber Car tyres in playground swings, erasers, rubber gloves, wellington boots.
Silver Cups and shields in trophies cabinet.
Soil School garden or sample in a tray.
Stainless steel Cutlery in the kitchen, classroom sink drainer.
Steel Jar or screws or nails, tools, girders in ceilings.
Stone Any stone wall, stone window frame, stones in school garden.
Tarmac Playground.
Water Fish tank, bowl of water, school pond.
Wood Skirting boards, school fence, playground equipment, wooden spoon, chairs, tables, plaques.